Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer Insulation - 4 Tips

Insulation is not just for Winter, yes we want to stay warm during cold weather but just as heat can escape our homes or apartments over the winter so can cool air during the summer. Here are 5 things you want to look for in your home to ensure that you conserve as much cool temperature as possible while keeping your energy bill down.
  1. Windows - A crack in the window, faulty seals, and lack of curtains can all contribute to increased heat in your home. Checking to ensure that there isn't any leaks of air can help keep the house a few degrees cooler which in turn will help with your electricity bill. Also, repairing and updating old windows can also affect how effective your cooling system is. 
  1. Doors - They can expand and contract with the season's causing if they are made from wood, causing all kinds of gaps between the door frames, this can easily be fixed with door weather strips from your local home supply store. Also having a storm door can insulate better as well as allow you to have natural air flowing through the house during cooler days, this is an upgrade that is well welcomed by homeowners. 
  1. Roof - Having little insulation in the roof can also have an impact because the roof receives so much heat during bright sunny days that if it is not properly covered, it can have some of that heat transferred indoors. We think of this especially during Winter because air rising but it is also important to keep an eye on it during the summer!
  1. A/C Unit - Make sure your A/C unit is working the way it is supposed to, if you don't feel like the air it is pumping out is cool then check to make sure it has all the necessary fluids, that the unit has even properly maintained and that all the vents are cleared. A/C Units also have a warranty so make sure your warranty is active to qualify for free or reduced maintenance costs. 
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