Wednesday, October 8, 2014

3 Cheap Do It Yourself Home Repairs #DIY

Contractors are great! They come to our homes and fix the things we are having problems with, for a fee of course. But we often get questions on what are some repairs in which someone may not necessarily need a contractor. Here are three things that New Earth recommends you to do on your own with some confidence.

This is something that should be done not for just looks but also because this is something to be done because it will be more hygienic to do so. The best thing to do is just to take out the grout completely and replace it with new one. Depending on how thick the grout is you may be able to do this by hand with a tool and if not you can get a rotary tool to help you out. Replacing your grout is a good and inexpensive way to give your bathroom or kitchen a new shine. This is an afternoon or weekend project that won’t take very long and that is very cheap to do. 

Toilet Issues
Most of us don’t really know the first thing about toilets, however there are certain things you can do to fix a leaky toilet or a toilet that is not flushing correctly. The reason why most toilets don’t flush the way they are supposed to is because of the built sediments around the holes in the rim. Simply clean out those holes out with a brush with stiff bristles and you will see an increase amount of water pressure coming from the water pipe.

As far as leaky tanks, your first line of defense should be to check to see if the septic tank is too full. This can be caused by the ball inside floating too high, meaning it is allowing more water than is supposed to come in. You can typically fix this easily by bending the part that is attached to the ball a little so that it won’t float as high. Another reason why your toilet could be leaky is because of the flapper, which costs about $5.00 to replace. Just remember to clean the area throughly to avoid any more leaks with the new flapper. 

Squeaky or Sticky Doors
So you have a door that doesn’t quite close like it should, or you have a door that squeaks a whole lot. These have to very easy solutions, the first is to use colored chalk at the edge of a door and when you close it you will see where it established the most contact making it sticky. You can shave this off with different tools, our favorite tools to use is a Dremel XPR and if you don’t have access to one you can use a wood shaver but this may require patience and precision. 

A squeaky door can easily be fixed with some petroleum jelly since its consistency is a lot thicker than using oil. 

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