Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall Fireplace Maintenance

Winter is coming and you need to make sure that things like insulation and outdoor home maintenance are all taken care of. One of the most important pieces of home maintenance is your fireplace if you have one. This needs to be given proper maintenance or it could cause major damage both inside or outside your house. The most obvious problem is blockage which can cause a fire but here are some general rules and tips to remember when you have a fireplace. 

The first thing to do is to look for build up, there are usually indicators of buildup such as Creosote which is a dark or black substance that surrounds the fireplace opening. It is usually recommended for this to be cleaned at least once a year. Another give away of the fireplace having too much buildup is if not all the smoke is traveling outside. This is an indicator of buildup through the flute leading outside or even blockage on the top portion of the chimney, which is usually covered with a mesh to help prevent animals from building nests or flying in. That mesh can also get clogged with leaves or other obstructions and requires maintenance also.

Choosing the right type of wood such as hardwoods like maple, oak, ash and birch, to burn will also have an impact on residue left behind which in turn can cause less blockage. Make sure that after each few uses that you clean it out throughly, this will help with its efficiency.

And don't forget to check out Five Tips to Make Painting Your Walls Easier

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